Victims of acid attack sangita magar

Nearly three years after she was attacked with acid at her parents’ Hetauda store, the 22 year old is still struggling to return to a ‘normal’ life. Layers of ointments, medicine and scarves now essentials of her wardrobe do not hide the scars that run more than just skin deep. “How can it be all normal?” she says, “the bandages and masks still turn heads wherever I go. Even after all these years.” Readjusting is not even a priority for 17-year-old Sangita Magar, the target of the 2015 Basantapur acid attack. She has spent the last one year training herself to see the world through a small section of her right eye. Sangita lost the use of her left eye, nose and ear to the attack and now lives her life “a day at a time”. For her, returning to good health is the top most priority now. “I first need to be able to see and walk properly,” she says.

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