These underground Minister Prachanda government: Where are the disappeared?

The Prime Minister is so much work and strength and vigor to the other ministers would follow would rise to severe, where the popularity of the government?However, government ministers to pursue severe pracandasamgai daudanuparne so far have not been able even to walk at a slow pace. Some ministers are so anonymous. As soon as they were made Minister to discuss some of the ministers now have forgotten the name of.
Communications to be? It is a question of Maoists cadres were thrown into confusion Singha found. After some time, his answer was confounding today- "Comrade Agni Sapkota, 'pure'.
Even the name of a state government spokesman did not know a thing ranabhullama Minister M cadres have been. The original reason for emptiness ministers activity. Ministers of exposure to working people to whom aumnuparne so underground?
Government spokesman is missing!
Minister Prachanda-led government are quite a aumnuparne Karki surendrakumara. He is not only the government's spokesman, including Information and Communications, but he's doing that is difficult to get information. Local people, including the people, let alone the party cadres are not perceived Karki activity. He has been running even before Minister postpaid mobile number switched off quarter hour ultimatum to the Minister Karki fed are sitting. The Cabinet decided to open the public, while he sometimes Judgment dekhiepani. Sujata Koirala, decided to give 50 million, he did not want to sunaumnai.
Karki said that the public would know that they are doing the same, but the lack of natural, is unaware of his own, including the Secretariat. Contact Raju Acharya of his personal secretary when he said there was no information. "I do not know, I am jhapatira," he said diyopostasamga, "would understand the work that you contact another number." But, he gave the phone number of the contact that cold night.
Raj Pandey, Minister for Local Development
You know what the Minister of Raj Pandey? If birsisaknu would know he Federal Affairs and Local Development Minister of spin. Pandey, who is also a member of the Maoist politburo center anonymous ministers' list are exacted. Narucaunuma much on his own nature-loving cadres antarmukhi Pandey has worked. He was not the leader of the general janasaili. Party leaders and workers are not satisfied with their functioning copy. Prime Minister Prachanda, yet the powerful role he said the Ministry of Local Development have not been able to quench. According to officials from the Ministry of the term of Pandey's 'jhura' activity have been. "He is one of our mantrijyule quarters is not able to transfer," an official said, "because of his karyasailikai Warns Officers was great irregularity. Secretariat staff khojdorahechan all the money. '
An employee of the Secretariat of contact when she answer.

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