Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal

Amid the delay in formally proceeding with a second constitutional amendment, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Sunday told Janajati leaders that he was not fully convinced that registering an amendment proposal would address the outstanding issues.“The PM said he was not confident that the amendment proposal the government has prepared would satisfy the Madhesi forces,” said Om Gurung, spokesperson for the Aadibasi Janajati Rastriya Andolan.The AJRA delegation submitted a memorandum to the PM demanding 11 provinces if the government proposed 10 states in the amendment in the event of the Madhesi Morcha not supporting the plan. AJRA Chairman Padma Ratna Tuladhar requested PM Dahal to go for one more province.The PM had said the government would go for a 10-province model if the Madhesi forces failed to support the amendment proposal that has been readied.The Janajati leaders had accused the government of trying to address the issues of Madhesi forces while ignoring the demands of the Janajatis including the Tharus.They warned of launching fresh protests if their concerns related to the constitution passed last year were not addressed. -

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