Nepali Comedy Video By Little Child

The six-bedroom guesthouse will provide visitors with ‘home comforts’, and the price will be comparable to other options in the area, at approximately Dhs140 per night. While the guesthouse is almost ready, Fiona is still on the hunt for appropriate school property.She’s hoping to educate about 60 children, and their mothers, using local teachers. English language is one of the subjects on the syllabus, and one way the children will learn is through a pen pal link up with students at Dubai British School. Fiona says: ”Dubai British School has agreed. The principal has said he would love to have the children there interact with Nepalese children so they can do the pen-pal thing and interact with each other. “Eventually, when I’m more established, I’d like to take groups out to the guesthouse and then the kids from here can interact with the children there and visit the school.” The students will exchange letters, pictures and art in a bid to educate them, she says: “My son, he’s 17, and he went to Nepal and it transformed him. He came back a different person. He had perspective and had seen a different life to his own. I want other Dubai students to have that opportunity.”

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